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ServiceNow - Escalation Response for Support Engineers

The following outlines what happens after an escalation is sent from a customer.  The customer side of the process can be found in the following article: Once an escalation is submitted, it opens an "escalation", which can be thought of as a special record type in ServiceNow.  The parts are

  • A case that now has an escalated flag (can be found in the Navigation bar under the Customer Service Section, Cases, Escalated)* A linked escalation (can be found in the Navigation bar under the Customer Service Section, Escalations, All)

If Viewing from the Case Record

When you click on a Case Record and open it up, there is an escalation tab that can be seen near the middle/bottom of the case.  This tab contains information about the escalation on hand, including the reason (Executive Visibility, Lack of Progress, and Customer Imposed Deadline) and justification provided.  The Active Escalation contains the Escalation record number.  If you wish to jump to this record, click on the i icon to preview the record and then an option to Open Record will be available to go to the actual escalation record. Note that all communication with the customer needs to happen from the **Case Record**.

If Viewing from the Escalation Record

When you click on an Escalation Record and open it up, there will be information about the escalation contained within, including Source Record, which contains a reference to the Case Number.  If you wish to jump to this case record, click on the i icon to preview the record and then an option to Open Record will be available to go to the actual case record. Note that the only area that should be changed is at the bottom tab, called Approvers. Any communication or work should be done normally from the original case.  The Approvers tab will allow users to either approver or reject the escalation.  

  • Select the approver name (e.g. your name) * Scroll to the bottom where it says Actions on Selected Rows* Click on the drop down and select from Approve, or Reject. * Communicate via the case back to the customer about the approval, or advise about the reason for the rejection in full detail.

Process for Response

  • Escalation is submitted by the end user. * Support team is notified about the Escalation* Review the escalation reason, including the reason and description provided by the submitter* Approve or Reject the escalation provided by the submitter.  This can be accomplished either by going to the escalation, as advised above, or going to the Self-Service, My Approvals section via the Navigation Bar* Respond back to the submitter via the case about the reasons, and outcome of their escalation* Note that customers can re-escalate a case if it is rejected.  Please make sure that it is explained clearly why the rejection was not accepted, and if possible, provide an avenue for a dialog with the customer so that they do not have to keep re-escalating in hopes of getting assistance.  
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