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Validator *validate.halValidator detected a fatal error


After upgrading Operator to version 1.4.1+ and Halyard to 1.12.0+, the following errors are seen on the Operator logs. It should be noted there were no changes to the Canary configs before and after the upgrade.

{"level":"info","ts":.....,"logger":"spinvalidate","msg":"Validator *validate.halValidator detected a fatal error"}
{"level":"error","ts":...,"logger":"spinvalidate","msg":"\nSpinnakerService validation failed:\njson: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field PrometheusCanaryServiceIntegration.metadataCachingIntervalMS of type bool\n

Despite the removal of the field metadataCachingIntervalMS from the canary configs, the error remains in the Operator logs.


Armory Engineering is aware of the issue. This has been identified to be an issue while parsing the configuration for Prometheus within Operator. It is a bug introduced when migrating the validators to operator.

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