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Configuring Slack notifications with sendCompactMessages to send a shorter and more compact message


By default, Slack notifications are sent with a verbose message including details about the stage it was triggered from. This message can be unnecessarily detailed, especially if using a custom message. By enabling sendCompactMessages , a less verbose Slack message will be sent with only necessary information.

Without sendCompactMessages enabled:

** **

with sendCompactMessages enabled:


Slack notifications enabled:


In addition to the above Slack notifications configuration in spec.spinnakerConfig.config.notifications.slack, add the following to the Echo profile: apiVersion: kind: SpinnakerService metadata: name: spinnaker
spec: spinnakerConfig: profiles: echo: # equivalent of echo-local.yml slack: sendCompactMessages: true

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AI Development Assistant

Today, March 15, 11:46pm

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